Gordon Graham, P.Eng.
VP Mining
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Gordon Graham has been involved in the domestic and international mining and minerals industry for close to 30 years. He has extensive expertise in both mine operations management and underground project execution and development. He has held responsibility for several underground operations in senior management roles in diamonds, gold and industrial minerals and fertilizers. He has held single point accountability for capital project delivery for projects between $100M to in excess of $1B USD.
A devoted safety advocate, he has delivered extraordinary safety results in a variety of jurisdictions and has orchestrated several safety turnaround events in terms of achieving excellence under previously difficult decisions. In addition Gord has held several very broad general business management roles and is very conversant in the many elements of successful business management including risk management, functional excellence and producing outstanding results. Gord is also very experienced in cost estimation and planning of shaft sinking projects, and other related underground capital investments.
Gordon Graham, P.Eng., VP Mining